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Best Way To Keep Your Jewelry Clean At Home

Best Way To Keep Your Jewelry Clean At Home

How To Give Your Jewelry Some TLC !

To some, spring cleaning is really a thing. It’s the time to organize and rid yourself of some of that clutter you’ve accumulated. So, what about your jewelry? It’s the perfect time to also show it some love. To do that, it starts with knowing what to do - and what not-to-do. At Harold Stevens, we’re happy to professionally clean your jewelry, but there are some things you can do at home on a more regular basis. And, after all, your fine jewelry is something to treasure, so it makes sense to keep it in perfect condition. Here are some easy-to-do tips for cleaning and care. 

Let’s start with our personal favorite: Diamonds!

 We love our water in San Diego. But, one thing we can tell you is to beware of wearing any of your diamonds in chlorinated water. Yes, diamonds are the hardest substance on Earth, but the chlorine can wreak havoc on your metal settings. Always keep your diamond jewelry in a fabric lined case in separate compartments so it doesn’t scratch other pieces, You can also keep them in separate pouches or wrapped in a soft fabric. And, please don’t wear it in the ocean! We’ve heard more than our fair share of jewelry becoming loose and slipping off!

Your diamond ring will typically adhere to the oils on your fingers and hands. Of course, this also affects it’s sparkle. So, what’s the best way to clean your diamonds at home? Soak it in a very gentle degreasing dish soap a few times a week. Never use bleach or anything harsher. And, only use a soft toothbrush to get in some of those crevasses and the back of your ring which often gets the most amount of dirt and grease. If you have an antique piece, be careful not to vigorously scrub. The name of the game here is to be gentle with all of your diamonds. If you have an ultrasonic cleaner, use it sparingly.

What About Other Gemstones?

Most colored gemstones can also be cleaned with warm water, mild dish soap such as Dawn (no detergents) and a soft brush. Pearls are a slightly different story and are considered a softer gemstone that can be scratched easily. First and foremost, pearls should be the last things on and the first things off! Always avoid contact with perfume or hairspray. They can damage a pearls finish. Again, clean them with warm, slightly soapy water. It’s best to let your strand sit until they completely dry, and always store them in a dry area.

Some Tips on Cleaning and Storing Metal

  • Sterling silver should be kept in an anti-tarnish bag or cloth.
  • Gold chains can tangle quite easily. Always store them on a flat surface to avoid tangling.
  • Most important: Keep your settings away from any chemicals! These can damage or discolor precious metals like gold, silver, and platinum and may harm some colored gems.

Want to know more about how to clean and protect your jewelry? The Gemological Institute of America (GIA) is a great place to start and you can read more tips here: Tips on Caring for Your Jewelry. And, we’re always here to help you with any questions. Simply contact us at and we will get back to you as soon as possible.